Netcare in Eastern Cape

Netcare is the largest provider of private healthcare in South Africa and the United Kingdom. Below we have listed the opening hours, locations, and contact numbers of Netcare in Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Netcare Eastern Cape



Cuyler Hospital

34 Cuyler Street Central Uitenhage 6229.
Moreover: PO Box 1082 Uitenhage 6230.

Contact number:  041 995 9000.

Fax: 041 995 9244.

Schedules: Monday to Sunday: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Greenacres Hospital

Cnr Cape & Rochelle Rds Greenacres Port Elizabeth 6045.
Moreover: PO Box 27488 Greenacres Port Elizabeth 6057.

Contact number: 041 390 7000.

Fax: 041 390 7089.

Schedules: Monday to Sunday: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Port Alfred Hospital

Southwell Road Central Port Alfred 6170.
Moreover: PO Box 2091 Port Alfred 6170.

Contact number:  046 604 4000.

Fax: 046 604 4099.

Schedules: Monday to Sunday: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Settlers Hospital

Milner Street Central Grahamstown 6140.
Moreover: Private Bag X1007 Grahamstown 6140.

Contact number: 046 602 5000.

Fax: 046 602 5199.

Schedules: Monday to Sunday: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

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