Dis Chem in Rustenburg
Dis-Chem offers health, beauty, personal care, and more products on their website and stores all over the country. Here, you can check all the addresses, contact info, and opening hours of Dis-Chem in Rustenburg, South Africa.
Greystone Crossing
Greystone Crossing Shopping Centre, 111 Kloof road, Rustenburg, North West, 2999.
Email: greystonedispensary@dischem.co.za
Phone: 0145410046.
Fax: 0145927969.
Whatsapp: 0664199490.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 19:00. Saturday: 08:00 – 17:00. Sunday: 09:00 – 15:00.
Waterfall Park
Shop 207, Waterfall Mall, 1 Augrabies Avenue, Cashan Ext 12, Rustenburg, 0299.
Email: rustenburgdispensary@dischem.co.za
Phone: 0145376480.
Fax: 0145373365.
Whatsapp: 0664216457.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 19:00. Saturday: 08:00 – 18:00. Sunday: 09:00 – 15:00.
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