Dis Chem in Midrand
On this page, we display all the locations, opening hours, and phone numbers of Dis-Chem in Midrand, South Africa. Since 1978, the chain of pharmacies has been serving thousands of customers.
Carlswald Lifestyle Centre, New Road, Midrand, 1684.
Email: carlswalddispensary@dischem.co.za
Phone: 0116970800.
Fax: 0113180480.
Whatsapp: 0664226858.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 18:00. Saturday: 09:00 – 16:00. Sunday: 09:00 – 15:00.
Direct Courier
23 Stag Rd Glen Austin 1685.
Phone: 011 589 2788.
Fax: 011 708 9525.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 16:30. Saturday to Sunday: Closed.
Mall Of África
Mall Of Africa, Cnr Karkloof and Mawa Crescent, Jukskei View, Midrand, 1685.
Email: mallofafricadispensary@dischem.co.za
Phone: 0100030056.
Fax: 0100030057.
Whatsapp: 0664207317.
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday: 09:00 – 20:00.
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